Re-activation of Discussions With Several Relevant Multilateral Organisations In The Global Gold Space On 01/08/2020
After the recent global lockdowns due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Gold Peak is pleased to announce the re-activation of its discussions with several relevant multilateral organizations in the global gold space, including the SBGA (Swiss Better Gold Association) to advance the interest of the ASM community and to do its part further ensuring more accountability and transparency in mineral production.
Amongst its peers in the mining and processing industry, the Gold Peak is uniquely positioned to do so due to its co-production activity with recognized ASM entities in Peru that are properly registered with the Ministry of Energy and Mining. We strive to motivate our ASM partners through the introduction of mining management; technology, financial assistance, and International export markets to eliminate conflict mineralization.
At the same time, we remain committed to ensuring full traceability and integrity throughout our entire supply chain with stringent compliance polices in our own mines and processing plant and we work with our partners in the logistics and refining industries to consciously maintain high standards of integrity in gold ore and Bullion Bar delivery and its related movement of funds. We have also put in place strict compliance protocols in respect to the source of wealth of new customers as we move into this new and exciting market of High Net Worth
Individuals (HNWI) and family offices.